Out of adversity we can make great discoveries. My computer crashed last week and it took a full 7 days to get my entire business up and running with a new one. In those 7 days I found I had more free time, so I opted in to a few workout sessions at the gym with my dusty membership, rather than work out at home. I’ve never liked gyms, but I live in a small home in a rainy city, so a gym membership made the most sense to me 6 months ago. Despite my personal preference, whenever I’ve attended a gym, there’s always an air of athletic and fitness success purely because I’m standing in a room with other sweaty people all striving for the same basic goal: to cultivate a strong, healthy body so we can accomplish our greatest goals. I’ve always felt that deep down exercise should be a premeditated stress-relief. You can still grunt and groan, sweat your ass off, or sit completely still and achieve the same mindful personal fulfillment.
On a daily basis —with or without a functioning work schedule, I grapple with the question of, do I work out at home today —maybe, or do I take an extra two hours out of my schedule to commute, park, pay, and breath in the thick gym air in order to reach my fitness goals?
In researching this topic more, there absolutely are pros and cons to both locations, but what it comes down to in my opinion is time, cleanliness, budget, personality/lifestyle, and discipline. As a certified yoga instructor, outdoor adventuress, infamous multi-tasker, and afternoon napper I can honestly say there is a time and a place for exercise in my life. I simply can’t exercise everyday —at least I thought I couldn’t until recently. I’ll come back to that, but first, let’s explore what’s best for you on a daily basis. How you feel may change day to day like me, which makes it hard to decide on a steady exercise regime. The questions below might help your sort out your plan of action to stay on track and get in the daily cardio or strength training that keep you going strong in life.